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HSBC World Health Day

wechat poster directions

HSBC Life Macau wanted to collaborate with local Macau artist, @annie_long_jor to create a greeting poster for

World Health Day. With the art style based on the style of the artist herself, we had to provide the overall visual concept as well as layout direction for the artist to execute.

Mockup 1.png

Brief From Client

To tie HSBC into the topic of health, we had to highlight the importance of taking care of not only your physical and mental health but also of your financial health. The poster had to communicate these three aspects of health and also include their HSBC Lions mascots as branding elements.

Direction 1 | Sign of Good Health


Poster in the form of a tarot card with two character illustrations each representing a different health aspect to show how she balances all aspects with ease.


Direction 2 | Perfect Trio

The formula to a perfectly balanced life is achieving the trio of physical health, mental health, and financial health. 

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